We strive to be a positive mentoring environment to train folks at different career stages in biomedical research. Our hope and expectation is that science should prepare you for many career paths: you learn how to design and execute experiments, interpret data, how to communicate effectively to different audiences and how to work in a diverse team. We encourage our trainees to seek out mentors, resources, workshops to complement their training in the lab.
Dr. Anand is one of the facilitators at the OHSU School of Medicine’s Mentorship Academy. This Academy provides training for faculty from across the institution to develop mentoring competencies. The competencies are divided into seven modules and are based on CIMER’s Entering Mentoring curricula.
Dr. Anand is also a ‘graduate’ of the Early Career Faculty Advancement Program, a faculty mentoring program that seeks to build and complement mentoring competencies through the first few years of tenure-track positions.